Matthew拥有超过十年的创业公司和企业客户工作经验. 他帮助指导、成长、构建和开发可扩展的产品和解决方案. Matthew是一位经验丰富的工程师,对应用程序开发充满热情, 干净的用户体验, 一致性, 和可靠性.
Show MoreSerguei Nevarko
Serguei擅长于代码架构、React效率和后端灵活性. 应用程序越复杂、交互性越强,他就会越出彩. He has built many web applications from the ground up while working as a freelancer and communicates well with clients. 通过习惯不断学习新事物, Serguei will always be able to adapt to any requirements or propose new and better ways to structure the application.
Show More马克西姆Gladkov
Maxim是一个精通技术的极客,在商业方面有丰富的经验. He has vast experience as a senior software engineer and architect and a strong knowledge of JavaScript, Node.. js、React、Ruby、Ruby on Rails、Neo4j、MySQL和PostgreSQL. 敏捷爱好者, 科技咨询师, 创业公司创始人, Maxim专注于一系列核心竞争力, 比如软件开发, 软件架构, 数据库设计, 科技咨询, 以及业务自动化. 他将是任何球队强有力的补充.
Show MoreLyndsey斯科特
Lyndsey graduated from Amherst College as a computer science major and has been a freelance iOS developer for the past 6+ years. She’s ranked in the top 1% of question answerers on 堆栈溢出; she wrote tutorials as part of the raywenderlich.com iOS team and made video tutorials for kids co-starring with the likes of Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. 林赛曾被CNN报道过, BBC, 福布斯表彰她的计算机编程技能和促进科技多样性的努力.
Show More西奥·西普里安·普拉蒂卡
如果你想找一个能独立完成所有事情的人, 一个去过那里的人, someone who can handle all your 技术需求 so that you can concentrate on your business/organization, 你找到了正确的侧写. Theo是一个WordPress聚会组织者和社区贡献者. His ultimate aim and pleasure are to help businesses grow and thrive instead of just making websites and applications that don't contribute to anything.
Show MoreAdelina Enache
Adelina是一名有5年经验的全栈工程师. 她为LinkedIn开发了解析器, 堆栈溢出, 和GitHub, 用于爬行的可伸缩后端基础设施, parsing, storing, 并查询数百万个数据点, 以及各种React Native应用. Adelina拥有项目的所有权,以交付干净且文档齐全的代码. 她负责E2E的开发, 包括基础设施, back end, front end, 文档, 以及初级开发人员的管理.
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Zack is a full-stack engineer with 10 years of experience building and polishing products for startup companies, 专注于金融科技和电子商务. He has a solid understanding of concise coding principles and best practices and is proficient with Node.. js、Ruby、JavaScript、React、PostgreSQL、MongoDB和CI/CD. 扎克创建了一款电子商务应用,在苹果商店生活类别中排名前三, led teams, 并提供了一个动态可配置的折扣和奖励系统.
Show More弗洛里安斯
Florian在后端软件工程方面拥有超过五年的经验. 他精通Java、AWS、Node.js, SQL, 和Python, 重点是可扩展的云基础设施, 快速算法, 简洁的API设计. 除了最近在一家大型科技公司的SE实习, 在弗洛里安之前的工作中, 他领导着一个由5名远程承包商和内部开发人员组成的团队. His industry experience is backed by a bachelor's degree in computer science from KIT and CMU.
Show MoreParmeet辛格
Parmeet is a creative React developer with 4+ years of experience designing and developing fast and responsive websites and web applications. 精通React, Next.js, Gatsby, Stencil, JavaScript, 和TypeScript生态系统, he has spearheaded a team of 6+ front-end developers in creating a reusable web component library. Parmeet has increased a manufacturing firm's sales by 25% by establishing their online identity and has trained 25+ employees on React and JavaScript.
Show More奥利弗Hoareau
Olivier是一位经验丰富的全栈动手技术领导者. 在过去的15年里, 他是一名自由职业者,拥有100多名客户, 主要是帮助他们引导自己的平台. Olivier是后端、前端和DevOps方面的专家. 他喜欢管理由1到30名技术人员组成的小团队. 他使用结对编程、代码审查和架构师会议来激励他的同事. Olivier is autonomous and has been using agile practices and software craftsmanship since 2006.
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